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About ChallengeHub

We stand for effective class time

  • Easy active learning
    We believe that the teacher should be free to focus on their subject of expertise
  • Peer instruction
    We believe that discussion, asking questions and explaining ideas are better ways to learn and important skills for life after graduation

We stand for open education

  • Efficient course development
    We believe teaching material should be sharable, freely reusable and improvable over time
  • Content ownership
    We believe that teachers should own what they create, and always have free access to it

We stand for access to education for everyone

  • Free education
    We believe that education should be free at the point of use
  • Positive technology
    We believe that technology should enhance and not hinder access to education

Be the change you want to see

Teaching is still mostly closed, inefficient and demotivating.

We stand for those who believe we can do better.

Let us help you take the first step

Get started