Starting today, ChallengeHub users can search through challenges published by all teachers using the new Challenge Universe feature in the teacher dashboard. Find a challenge you like? You can easily import it into your library and be ready to use it in a course, or amend the contents to customise it for your needs.

Challenge Universe

This is a big step in ChallengeHub’s effort to fix the long-standing inefficiencies in teaching. How many other teachers around the world are teaching the same course as you? Even for many specialist subjects, it’s unlikely that your course is unique. Despite this, collaboration between teachers is still very limited.

Challenge Universe starts to change this for both new and experienced teachers alike.

As a new teacher, you can gain confidence by looking at a number of readily available challenges and basing your course on those challenges. This gives you more time to focus on your teaching and less on content generation, promoting high-quality education even in that ever-stressful first year of teaching a course.

As an experienced teacher you might find an interesting challenge that can improve your existing course. Moreover, by enabling other teachers to benefit from what you build, you can have an impact beyond the walls of your classroom.

Furthermore, when handing a course to a fellow teacher, you can easily share the challenges from your course, making handover that much easier.

Creating challenges and building courses is now easier than ever on ChallengeHub. Get an account now to be able to look through the available challenges, contribute your own, and join a growing movement of teachers making high-quality education material available to everyone.

James Cannon

Dr James Cannon is an Associate Professor at Kyushu University.
He is the creator of challenge-based active learning and a founder @ChallengeHub.